The Shrink Next Door
The Shrink Next Door tells the story of Isaac Herschkopf, a psychiatrist who allegedly abused his relationships with his patients to exploit them for personal gain. The podcast, consisting of seven episodes, was written and hosted by Joe Nocera. It premiered on May 21, 2019. To listen to this Podcast. click Here
Trust Me, I'm a Doctor
A production of This American Life, Trust Me I'm a Doctor details the workings of the Tennessee medical licensing board as it dealt with a multiple abuser, lawbreaker, and all-round sociopath who is still practicing. To Listen to this Podcast, click here.
The Sociopath in the Therapy Room
This episode of Very Bad Therapy describes a therapist who leveraged his power as a therapist to abuse his clients. To Listen to this Podcast, Click Here
Therapy Abuse
In several podcast sessions, radio host Bernadine Fox, for her syndicated program Rethreading Madness,
interviews Carolyn Clement, an award-winning family photographer, mother of two, and survivor of therapy abuse,
and Amy Avalon, a retired psychotherapist and advocate for survivors of sexual and emotional abuse by therapists,
and then speaks with Joe Pugh, producer of People First People People , a show dedicated to sharing people's lived
experiences. Each podcast explores ethics in therapy and what happens when a therapist, charged morally
and legally to set and maintain safe and therapeutic boundaries, does not do so. Do you know if your
therapist is adhering to ethical boundaries? These podcasts will provide some answers. To listen
to the podcasts, click on the links below.
Podcast 1: Therapy Abuse: A problem that is Increasing at an Alarming Rate click here
Podcast 2: Three Consequences of Therapy Abuse: Unhealthy Dependence, Betrayal, and Extreme Ambivalence
click here
Podcast 3: Re-Threading Madness to change the conversation around mental health click here
Podcast 4 Carolyn Clement: The Complaint Process and Dealing with Harassment around Therapy Abuse. click here
Podcast 5 Interview with Linda Pevac author of A Fire Is Coming a memoir about Therapy Abuse
click here
Podcast 6 Consent: Its Misuse as a Weapon and a Shield in Therapy Abuse
click here
Podcast 7 Ethical Boundaries in Therapy Social Situations click here
Podcast 8 Transgressions and Grooming in Therapy Abuse with Amy Lyn Johnson
click here
Podcast 9 Surviving Therapist Abuse with author Amy Nordhues
click here
Podcast 10 Is the Mental Health System Serving you?
click here
Podcast 11 When it is a Therapist who Experiences Therapy Abuse and Exploitation
click here
Examining Ethical Boundaries in Therapy: Checklist Bernadine Fox Click Here
Seminars and Workshops
Bernadine Fox conducts two free monthly one-hour online talks on therapy abuse for survivors: the last Monday at 10 am PDT and the first Saturday at 10am PDT. All are trauma-informed in their design. Preregistration is required and space is limited. For more links or to register: click here
I "Married" My Therapist: Ken Schultz talks about the damage he suffered
Ken Schultz is an advocate for mental health reform and a survivor of therapy abuse and exploitation
He saw a therapist for 3 months and in that time, he went from someone who had zero attraction to her to being sexually exploited by her, all the while believing her explanations of what was occurring. They married very quickly: Ken's mental health plummeted. Ken's story is a prime example of how a survivor of TAE is abandoned by the systems in place including the mental health industry, the church, and the police.
To View this Workshop
Click here
Telling It Like It Is: When Psychotherapists Abuse and Exploit
This Ebook includes a compilation of first person accounts, an examination of the history of the problem, and analyses of whether emotional and sexual abuse of patients/clients are inevitable or preventable. To view or download this Ebook
click Here
Videos and Films
My Doctor, My Lover
This powerful documentary by award-winning Canadian filmmakers John Zaritsky and Virginia Storring, and produced by Frontline in 1991, is the earliest-known work to detail an actual jury trial of a psychiatrist, Jason Richter, who sexually abused a patient. Richter is still practicing in Colorado. TELL Responders consulted in the making of this film. To view this documentary, click here
Impact of ethical and sexual boundary violations on clients: for mental health professionals
While most lectures on this topic focus on ethical boundaries for the therapist and penalties for transgressions, this workshop explores the client's experience and how it impacts their lives. Participants learn what constitutes therapy abuse and exploitation (TAE), the ways in which it mirrors other forms of abuse, the catastrophic damage for clients, and how abusive mental health professionals respond to the possibility of exposure. Amy Avalon, retired psychotherapist, and Glen Grigg PhD and RCC, join us along with survivors who share their first-hand experiences.
To view this excerpt click here
More information about the full workshop can be found at inpact of ethical and sexual boundary violations on clkents for mental health professionals
or by emailing workshops.therapy.abuse@gmail.com
Web Sites
We Shall Be Heard
Focused on trying to change the way psychotherapy is regulated in the UK, this website also has information about therapy and its potential for positive and negative effects. In addition, it invites people to post their anonymous stories of therapy, good and bad. This website can be viewed at: http://www.willwebeheard.org/ https://twitter.com/WillWeBeHeard1 https://www.instagram.com/willwebeheard/
This website contains books, color prints, paintings, 3D art, and photography relating to a Dissociative Identity Disorder exaggerated by the actions of an unregulated, unregistered, and unethical “therapist” To view this Website
click Here
Psychedelic Therapy has a Sexual Abuse Problem
Alongside the potential benefits of psychedelic therapy, it also carries a serious risk of sexual abuse. Patients in psychedelic therapy are intensely vulnerable. They are high, in a power imbalance with their therapist, and dealing with mental health issues. And MDMA, known colloquially as ecstasy and a “love drug”, is known to create feelings of sexual arousal and emotional intimacy. To view this Website
click Here
Trust Demolition
Unweaving of Goodness: A photographic exploration of psychotherapist abuse. To View this Website
click Here
Find Your Voice
Artist Sue Levin describes how she "discovered clay" as a tool for healing. Says Sue: "It's not easy work nor is it ever done but we must find our voice--wherever we can--and speak. The world is waiting to hear from all of us. "This is my story."
To see Sue's story, click Here