Welcome to TELL, the Therapy Exploitation Link Line….

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Chances are you have sought out this website because

  • you or someone you know has been emotionally or sexually exploited in psychotherapy or other healthcare setting;
  • you are a psychotherapist seeking to understand the needs of a patient or client who has come to you after having been exploited by a healthcare professional;
  • you have a colleague who has crossed professional boundaries, and you would like to better understand the likely impact of this inappropriate behavior;
  • you are a researcher or journalist who would like to help the public understand the impact of boundary violations by healthcare professionals;
  • you are an administrator of a healthcare practice or facility concerned about the maintenance of appropriate professional boundaries;
  • you are an attorney who represents a victim of sexual or emotional exploitation and seeks to better understand your client’s emotonal needs and legal rights; or
  • you are interested, for other personal or professional reasons, in boundary maintenance and the impact of failing to maintain appropriate boundaries in psychotherapy and other healthcare settings.

No matter why you have come to this site, we will do everything we can to help. 


What has really been eye-opening for me is seeing how unimportant abusers wind up being in the scheme of things. For me, my abuser was the sun and the moon, and I ruminated and obsessed about him for years, even after "waking up" and leaving him. But from the vantage point of now being a TELL Responder—and seeing emails about other similar abusers—I see how pathetic and small these abusers are. They are not fascinating people: They are really kind of the same, able to do outsize harm to people despite the smallness of their being. To be honest, victims are far more interesting,

Daphine, TELL Responder

Those most at risk of becoming prey are not personality disordered but are well-built ships battered in high seas and then attacked by pirates disguised as therapists. With a safe harbor discovered, most can restore themselves as the creative, intelligent and otherwise capable people they are.

Brooks Mitchell, Senior TELL Responder

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